Inspire Partners are committed to turning failing and unstable businesses around. We can analyse under-performing businesses and improve performance and increase enterprise value… more information
Facilitation concerns itself with all the tasks needed to run a productive and impartial meeting. Facilitation serves the needs of any group who are meeting with a common purpose, whether it be making a decision, solving a problem, or simply exchanging ideas and information…. more information
Organisational planning is achieved through a process of identifying the business objectives and formulating strategies and processes to achieve these objectives… more information
Our Team uses Scenario Planning as a strategic management tool in analysing potential markets for your business. Scenario planning identifies trends and explores a number of different stories or scenarios by extrapolating uncertain and major influencing driving forces… more information
Business strategy is a critical component in ensuring your business success. A Strategic Business Review is about improving and sustaining your business and it will provide you with a specific Road Map and recommendations on what is missing or lacking in the business so that you can increase and sustain performance and bottom line business results… more information