Strategic PlanningStrategic planning is an organisation’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. The benefits of strategic planning at the corporate level include consensus on key issues and strategies to address them; commitment to, and capacity for, implementing the strategies; clearer communication of priorities; improved cooperation among those pursuing strategic objectives, and more effective management control of strategic initiatives. At Inspire Partners we achieve this by providing Corporate Restructuring, Facilitation, Organisational Planning, Scenario Planning and Strategic Business Review.
Inspire Partners are committed to turning failing and unstable businesses around. We can analyse under-performing businesses and improve performance and increase enterprise value… more information
Facilitation concerns itself with all the tasks needed to run a productive and impartial meeting. Facilitation serves the needs of any group who are meeting with a common purpose, whether it be making a decision, solving a problem, or simply exchanging ideas and information…. more information
Organisational planning is achieved through a process of identifying the business objectives and formulating strategies and processes to achieve these objectives… more information
Our Team uses Scenario Planning as a strategic management tool in analysing potential markets for your business. Scenario planning identifies trends and explores a number of different stories or scenarios by extrapolating uncertain and major influencing driving forces… more information
Business strategy is a critical component in ensuring your business success. A Strategic Business Review is about improving and sustaining your business and it will provide you with a specific Road Map and recommendations on what is missing or lacking in the business so that you can increase and sustain performance and bottom line business results… more information
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